Erasmus Policy Statement (ENG)

Wyższa szkoła Prawa i Administracji Rzeszowska Szkoła Wyższa ( WSPIA Uniwersity of Rzeszow) is the oldest non-public academic institution in eastern Poland. It was established in 1995 pursuant to a decision of the Minister of National Education. WSPiA is the one of few  non-public university in Poland  which has the right to confer the degree of the Doctor of Laws. This gives us the status of an academic institution and thus a membership in the elite group of the best universities in Poland.

WSPiA University of Rzeszow is one of the largest non-public academic institutions in Poland. WSPiA University of Rzeszów has the right to conduct graduate studies in field of Administration, Internal Security and Management  for the level of  BA and Master's degree. WSPiA University of Rzeszów as one of few non-public universities in Poland has also the right to conduct graduate studies for the Master's degree in Law and to confer the title of Master of Laws. Since 2009, WSPiA has been implementing an innovative nationwide system of apprenticeships for students of "Administration", "Internal Security",  “Management” and "Law".

In line with the assumptions of the modernization agenda for higher education the goal of the University is to promote a greater number of graduates, which is favored by four fields of studies. Another aspect of the education programme, which is equally important as the number of graduates, is to equip them with the adequate knowledge and professional practice. Access to the relevant knowledge is provided by classes taught by both theorists and practitioners (including entrepreneurs, judges, attorneys, prosecutors, representatives of hight-level multi-agency services)). It is also important to allow students to participate in open lectures in English and German by foreign lecturers. In addition, there i salso a student legal adive office „Law Clinic” a tour University, which aims to help people in need as well as i san excellent form of practice for students. An additional goal i salso conducting scientific research, in particular on the practice of applying the law and violations of human rights.

Our students acquire appropriate practical skills during practical classes conducted both at WSPiA, as well as outside the university, also in companies and institutions abroad. This innovative system based on the division of time between theory and practice provides a more efficient way to prepare students for their intended profession.

Not without significance is organization of scientific conferences with the participation of Polish and foreign students and follow-up international publications. Due to its geographical location, our University maintains close relations, primarily, with Ukraine; especially that a large group of students studying at WSPiA comes from this country. Our University also intends to continue joint research projects with Ukraine. For this purpose, in addition to the participation of our students, involvement of our researchers is also necessary. Joint activities are to result in a more efficient cross-border education and help in finding jobs for future graduates. We are also involved in the development of language competences. At our University are the TOLES examination center, which enable students to acquire knowledge and valuable language certificates.

The next target for our University is also increasing cooperation with other states, including primarily Slovakia, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, Spain, Ireland, Hungary.

The agreements that we sign annually aim at internationalization of the conducted studies within the first and second cycles and uniform studies for the Master's degree. Due to fact that the academic institutions abroad have fields of studies that are similar to those conducted by WSPiA, it is possible to take actions for launching uniform courses as well as joint study terms. In the future, cooperation may also apply to doctoral studies conducted by WSPiA.



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Akademickie Biuro Karier